
How can we help you?

Setting up Accounting Softwares

Setting up world known accounting softwares for business including, Quickbooks, Sage50 cloud, MyOB, and others

Advisory Services

Advising businesses if they have problems in their accounts or have got misleading financial statements.

Financial Statements Preparation

Preparing financial statements for businesses that do not have proper accountants and want to know about its true profits and losses, receivables, payables, and financial position of the business.

Accounting Trainings

Training for existing and potential accountants, teaching them ACCA syllabus and making them to use modern day accounting softwares.

Internal Audit

Carrying our internal audit and creating proper sales, purchases & other related systems for businesses in case they suffer from theft, fraud, and misleading financial statements.

Clients We Worked With

Internal Audit for Businesses

We have successfully launched our internal audit services for business in Kandahar Province.

Let us together build a flourishing business

When connected with us, you aren’t growing your business alone. We have your back and put in our best to contribute to the growth of your entire team and organization. So, if you are looking for the accounting firm that’ll help you build a good presence and bring in more revenue, we are right here!